Matjaž Pograjc, Betontanc, Umka.LV

May 17 at 9.00 pm and May 18 at 2.00 pm
Venue: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Duration: 75 minutes
English language performance.

The performance Show Your Face! was created in Ljubljana and Riga. Its creators are members of two artistic collectives: Betontanc, masters of physical theatre, and masters of the theatre of objects. The creators strived to confront their and our past and to imbed it in the image of a puppet without a face, a puppet they manipulate. The puppet, a little snow suit, is an everyman and the animators make him walk through history and through the present day of our world. He sings, he dances, he flees, he falls in love and suffers in order that we will not forget the previous century and its legacy. Does anyone have a face at all?

Matjaž Pograjc founded Betontanc in the basement of the high school in 1990. Since that time, Betontanc has travelled the world with thirteen different performances. What was written of Betontanc at its beginnings still applies: “Betontanc reveals violence as the reality of the world and tenderness as the state of the soul.” Its primary creative impulse was against pseudo-intellectualism and conceptual art, and even today, Betontanc’s performances create a special form of communication with the audience, opening viewers up, and releasing them to the theatrical experience.

Direction: Matjaž Pograjc
Co-authors and performers: Betontanc & Umka.LV (Primož Bezjak, Daša Doberšek, Branko Jordan, Andris Kalnozols, Marcis Lacis,  Katarina Stegnar, Gints Širmelis-Širmanis)
Music: Silence, Ugis Vitins
Dramaturgy and story: Andris Gauja
Puppets and objects: Barbara Stupica
Choreography: Branko Potočan
Costumes: Mateja Benedetti
Light design: Tomaž Štrucl
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Photos: Gints Malderis
Executive producers: Ira Cecić, Maija Pavlova
Producer: Maja Vižin
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana, New Theatre Institute of Latvia




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